September 14, 2016

31-Day Nail Challenge #31DC2016 - Geek Girl Theme - Flowers

If you've ever been afraid to make a suggestion or propose something new in a meeting, remember that a few years ago someone stood up and said, "Hey, let's create a video game where anthropomorphic plants fight legions of zombies." But if that visionary had never made this suggestion, the game Plants vs. Zombies wouldn't be the huge hit it is today.

Plants vs. Zombies was the first game my son wanted after he got his Xbox 360. I have to's fun, silly, and one of the few first-person-shooter games that's acceptable for younger gamers. While planning my 31-day challenge list, it seems like the perfect subject for today's "Flowers" prompt.

The design is based on the cover art on the Plants vs. Zombies package. I started with a French tip of bmc Lucky Green, highlighted with Revlon Entice. Using bmc Angelic White and Sunshine Yellow, I created the smaller flowers with a dotting tools. The sunflower uses the same color yellow with a center of Sally Hansen Quick Sand darkened with a drop of black polish. The zombie head and hand were made with L'Oreal Greycian Goddess.

Have you ever had a crazy idea you thought would be a popular game, movie, or TV show? Do you play Plants vs. Zombies or the offshoot game PvZ: Garden Warfare? Let's talk about it in the comments below. To see more nail challenge designs, look for the #31DC2016 tag, or browse through the In-Linkz posts below.

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